Evolution of debris flow basins on the marine terraces of the Sakhalin Island and measures for engineering protection on various stages of their development.


  • Светлана Владимировна Рыбальченко Сахалинский филиал Дальневосточ-ного геологического института ДВО РАН, Южно-Сахалинск
  • Константин Владимирович Верховов Спортивно-туристический комплекс «Горный воздух», Южно-Сахалинск


debris flow, debris flow basin, erosion, engineering protection


Debris flow processes are widespread everywhere on the sea terraces of the Sakhalin Island, composed of loose and poorly lithified rocks, as well as in many island and coastal regions of Russia. Despite the widespread use of debris flows, the issue of the emergence and development of mud pools on the slopes of sea terraces is still poorly studied and is of great scientific and practical interest. The creation of engineering protection, as well as the implementation of territorial planning and tracing of linear structures taking into account the dynamics of the development of debris flow basins on the seashore requires a comprehensive approach to the study and prediction of the evolution of such forms of relief. The authors proposed the algorithm for generating the schema of evolutionary development in the debris flows on the slopes of the marine terraces of the Sakhalin Island, which contains information about the form of debris flow basin, stages and ways of its development, the lithological composition of the rocks and the debris flow type process. The authors proposed the complex of measures of engineering protection at different stages of development debris basin on marine terraces, which will reduce debris flow risks in spatial planning in urban areas and tracing of linear structures.

Author Biographies

Светлана Владимировна Рыбальченко, Сахалинский филиал Дальневосточ-ного геологического института ДВО РАН, Южно-Сахалинск

младший научный сотрудник

Константин Владимирович Верховов, Спортивно-туристический комплекс «Горный воздух», Южно-Сахалинск

ин-женер отдела эксплуатации капитальных сооружений



How to Cite

Рыбальченко, С. В., & Верховов, К. В. (2019). Evolution of debris flow basins on the marine terraces of the Sakhalin Island and measures for engineering protection on various stages of their development. Vestnik of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, (6), 122–132. Retrieved from http://vestnikdvo.ru/index.php/vestnikdvo/article/view/95


