Geochemical features of native gold of the Lower Myakit ore-placer node (Northeast of Russia). I.S. LITVINENKO, L.A. SHILINA


  • Иван Степанович ЛИТВИНЕНКО (Северо-Восточный комплексный научно-исследовательский институт им. Н.А. Шило ДВО РАН, Магадан)
  • Любовь Анатольевна ШИЛИНА (Магаданский областной краеведческий музей, Магадан)


Northeast of Russia, gold-rare-metal mineralization, mineral types, native gold, chemical composition, impurities


Geochemical features of native gold of the Lower Myakit ore-placer node (Northeast of Russia). I.S. LITVINENKO (N.A. Shilo North-East Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Institute, FEB RAS, Magadan), L.A. SHILINA (Magadan Regional Museum of Local Lore, Magadan).

The article presents the results of X-ray spectral microanalyses of native gold from ore occurrences and associated placers in the Lower Myakit ore-placer node located in the eastern part of the Yana-Kolyma ore-bearing belt. In terms of the frequency of occurrence of impurity elements, the native gold is bismuth-cuprous-mercury-telluric gold. In terms of the concentration level, the determining typomorphic impurities are Bi, Te and Hg. In the bismuth-sulfotelluride type of ores, high fineness native gold separations prevail, with Fe, Cu and Bi impurities playing an indicator role. Characteristic for the sulfide-sulfoarsenide ore type are moderately lower fineness and medium fineness formations with higher grades of Pb, Se and Te. Lower and extremely lower fineness gold of the silver-polysulfide type of mineralization contains higher concentrations of Te, Sb, As and Zn. With distance from the ore-generating granite intrusion, bismuth and iron contents tend to lessen while silver, antimony, mercury, and tellurium grades in the ore native gold, tend to increase.

Author Biographies

Иван Степанович ЛИТВИНЕНКО, (Северо-Восточный комплексный научно-исследовательский институт им. Н.А. Шило ДВО РАН, Магадан)

кандидат геолого-минералогических наук, старший научный сотрудник 

Любовь Анатольевна ШИЛИНА, (Магаданский областной краеведческий музей, Магадан)

экскурсовод 1-й категории



How to Cite

ЛИТВИНЕНКО, И. С., & ШИЛИНА, Л. А. (2022). Geochemical features of native gold of the Lower Myakit ore-placer node (Northeast of Russia). I.S. LITVINENKO, L.A. SHILINA. Vestnik of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, (1), 21–33. Retrieved from



Earth sciences