Lahar on the slope of the Alaid volcano (Atlasov Island, Kuriles) and its impact on vegetation: the first data from satellite images. S.Yu. GRISHIN
lahar, volcano, vegetation, Alaid, Kuriles, satellite imagesAbstract
Lahar on the slope of the Alaid volcano (Atlasov Island, Kuriles) and its impact on vegetation: the first data from satellite images. S.Yu. GRISHIN (Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity, FEB RAS, Vladivostok).
Lahar descending along the southeastern slope of the Alaid volcano (Kuriles) was revealed at satellite images. Lahar tongues penetrated into the zone of arboreal vegetation, descending to an altitude of about 200 m. The area of tongues in the accumulation zone is about 0.25 km2, and buried arboreal vegetation – about 0.1km2.
How to Cite
ГРИШИН, С. Ю. (2021). Lahar on the slope of the Alaid volcano (Atlasov Island, Kuriles) and its impact on vegetation: the first data from satellite images. S.Yu. GRISHIN. Vestnik of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, (2), 63–68. Retrieved from
Earth sciences