Japan coronavirus outbreak as a factor of destabilization for Shinzo Abe regime. E.A. GORIACHEVA


  • Елена Александровна ГОРЯЧЕВА (Сектор международной безопасности Центра глобальных и региональных исследований Института истории, археологии и этнографии народов Дальнего Востока ДВО РАН, Владивосток)


Japan, political regime, Abe, coronavirus, security


Japan coronavirus outbreak as a factor of destabilization for Shinzo Abe regime. E.A. GORIACHEVA (Global and Regional Studies Center, Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of Peoples of Far East, FEB RAS, Vladivostok).

In Japan, at the beginning of 2020, when the spread of a new type of coronavirus infection occurred, trends of discontent with regard to the domestic policy pursued by Prime Minister S. Abe showed up more clearly. This discontent is due to a number of factors: less then prompt response of the Japanese government to the challenges and threats to the well-being of Japan’s society in an ever-changing environment of new coronavirus, insufficient support for low-income groups and the unemployed people. A number of measures taken in March–April 2020 by the Cabinet of Ministers to normalize the situation drew sharp criticism in the national media, broadcasting the point of view of not only journalists, but also reflecting the attitude of the Japanese population towards the situation. At the present time, the former decisionmaking pattern of not only of Shinzo Abe, but also of other political leaders of Japan, characterized by long-term discussion and pursuing agreement with all parties involved, may pose a threat to the stability of the Japan’s political regime.

Author Biography

Елена Александровна ГОРЯЧЕВА, (Сектор международной безопасности Центра глобальных и региональных исследований Института истории, археологии и этнографии народов Дальнего Востока ДВО РАН, Владивосток)

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How to Cite

ГОРЯЧЕВА, Е. А. (2021). Japan coronavirus outbreak as a factor of destabilization for Shinzo Abe regime. E.A. GORIACHEVA. Vestnik of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, (1), 120–125. Retrieved from http://vestnikdvo.ru/index.php/vestnikdvo/article/view/707



COVID-19: экономика, политика, безопасность Северной Пацифики