Spring triticale as a promising crop for the Far East. K.V. ZENKINA, T.A. ASEEVA


  • Кристина Владимировна ЗЕНКИНА
  • Татьяна Александровна АСЕЕВА (Khabarovsk Federal Research Centre FEB RAS, Far Eastern Scientific-Research Institute of Agriculture, Khabarovsk)


spring triticale, grain yield, breeding, Far Eastern Region


Spring triticale as a promising crop for the Far East. K.V. ZENKINA, T.A. ASEEVA (Khabarovsk Federal Research Centre FEB RAS, Far Eastern Scientific-Research Institute of Agriculture, Khabarovsk).

Introduction issues are especially relevant for the agrocenoses of the Middle Amur Region, because the expansion of the biological diversity of the cereal crops gene pool allows the most efficient use of the region’s natural resources, and ensure food safety for the population. One way to increase the production of high-quality food and fodder grain is to use the potential of spring triticale. Due to the specific genome, which includes wheat and rye components, triticale has a high potential in increasing productivity, and is promising in the face of the lack of agricultural production intensification means. The article presents the results of studies on spring triticale for 2015–2019. A comprehensive ecological study of the spring triticale cultivar collection was conducted on the experimental fields of the Far Eastern Agricultural Research Institute. Effective sources and donors of the most important economically valuable traits were identified, the dependence of the formation of spring triticale yield from the hydrothermal regime of the growing season was established, and the reaction of cultivar samples to the changing environmental conditions was determined. A new hybrid and a breeding material of spring triticale with a complex of economically valuable traits and adaptive properties to the soil and climatic conditions of the Far East was created. The prospects of using this unique crop in agriculture and various industries were shown.

Author Biographies

Кристина Владимировна ЗЕНКИНА

младший научный сотрудник,

Татьяна Александровна АСЕЕВА, (Khabarovsk Federal Research Centre FEB RAS, Far Eastern Scientific-Research Institute of Agriculture, Khabarovsk)

 член-корреспондент РАН, главный научный сотрудник



How to Cite

ЗЕНКИНА, К. В., & АСЕЕВА, Т. А. (2020). Spring triticale as a promising crop for the Far East. K.V. ZENKINA, T.A. ASEEVA. Vestnik of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, (4), 8–13. Retrieved from http://vestnikdvo.ru/index.php/vestnikdvo/article/view/599



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