Synthesis and electrochemical behavior of α-Fe2O3/carbon core-shell composite
Li-ion battery; anode material, hematite α-Fe2O3, core-shell structure, electrochemical behaviorAbstract
Carbon-coated hematite α-Fe2O3 core-shell structure had been synthesized by a facile method of pulsed high-voltage discharge. The structure, morphology, and phase composition of the material were characterized by SEM, TEM, and XRD methods. The material is composed of α-Fe2O3 particles (average size ~200 nm). Surfaces of particles are coated with amorphous carbon (coating thickness ~8 nm). When carbon-coated α-Fe2O3 was galvanostatically cycled at 100 mA · g–1 in the voltage range of 3.0–0.005 V, it exhibits a reversible capacity of 479 mA·h g–1 after 7 cycles with high Coulombic efficiency of 97 %.
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Опра, Д. П., Гнеденков, С. В., Синебрюхов, С. Л., Курявый, В. Г., Зверев, Г. А., Сергиенко, В. И., Соколов, А. А., & Минаев, А. Н. (2019). Synthesis and electrochemical behavior of α-Fe2O3/carbon core-shell composite. Vestnik of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, (5), 86–90. Retrieved from