The first scientific exchanges: to 135 anniversary of the Amur Region Research Society


  • Амир Александрович ХИСАМУТДИНОВ (Центральная научная библиотека ДВО РАН, Владивосток)


scientific exchange, exchange of collections, the Amur Region Research Society, history of science, F.F. Busse.


The article describes the initial stage of scientific cooperation of the Far Eastern Region with scientific institutions in Russia and abroad (the end of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th centuries). The first scientific exchanges of publications and collections in the Russian Far East began in 1884, when the Amur Region Research Society (ARRS), the first scientific and public society in the region was founded.


Author Biography

Амир Александрович ХИСАМУТДИНОВ, (Центральная научная библиотека ДВО РАН, Владивосток)

доктор исторических наук, заведующий отделом научно-исследовательской работы



How to Cite

ХИСАМУТДИНОВ, А. А. (2019). The first scientific exchanges: to 135 anniversary of the Amur Region Research Society. Vestnik of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, (4), 146–154. Retrieved from



From the history of science