Heavy metals and petroleum hydrocarbons in the waters of the Uglovoy Bay (the Amur Bay, the Sea of Japan) in the warm and cold seasons
Uglovoy Bay, heavy metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, salinity, dissolved oxygen, permanganate oxidability, spatial distribution, water pollution index, integral water pollution indexAbstract
The content of heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Fe, Cd, Co, Cr, Mn, Ni, Zn, Hg, As) and petroleum hydrocarbons in the waters of the Uglovoy Bay have been studied using the materials of the winter (February) and autumn (September) surveys of 2016. A brief description of the hydrochemical parameters (salinity, dissolved oxygen, permanganate oxidability) of the waters of the investigated water area is also given. The sources of pollutants entering the investigated water area are analyzed. It is shown that the pollution of the Uglovoy Bay occurs continuously as a result of economic activity on its coast. The highest level of pollution was detected in winter at the stations of the main part of the investigated water area. An important factor that influenced the distribution of pollutants in the waters of the bay in the warm period was the Lionrock typhoon, which took place on the eve of sampling. The calculations of the water pollution index and the integral water pollution index (Zn) are presented.