Analysis of pollution sources of the Uglovoy Bay (Peter the Great Bay) and its pollution factors.


  • Олег Валерьевич Лосев Дальневосточный федеральный университет, Владивосток


pollution sources, heavy metals, factor analysis, biogenic elements, organic compounds, algal bloom


On the basis of ecological monitoring data received in autumn 2016 and information of the state statistical reporting, the pollution sources analysis and its influence on quality of marine ecosystem of the Uglovoy Bay was conducted. Attenuated water exchange among the main part of the Bay and the end of the Amur Bay keeps significant differences of hydrochemical parameters of marine water. In the Northern shallow part of the Uglovoy Bay high concentration of organic compounds and chlorophyll a were measured. It indicates the start of algal bloom. Increased runoff caused by typhoon “Lionrock” has led to the addition an excess content of Cu and Pb which concentrations in the solution are controlled by suspended matter content. Anthropogenic contamination of the Uglovoy Bay with heavy metals mainly related to point sources of pollution of on the coast of the Bay. Pollutants come with wastewater from the industrial sites of Trudovoe village and the vicinity of Artem city.

Author Biography

Олег Валерьевич Лосев, Дальневосточный федеральный университет, Владивосток

Аспирант, инженер



How to Cite

Лосев, О. В. (2019). Analysis of pollution sources of the Uglovoy Bay (Peter the Great Bay) and its pollution factors. Vestnik of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, (2), 95–103. Retrieved from



Earth sciences