
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Rules for authors

 The journal «Vestnik of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences» publishes problematic, survey, debating papers and original scientific researches that have never been published before as well as reviews, chronicle of scientific life, personalias, etc. Among the priority materials about the Far East - nature, history of assimilation and economy, science development and organization. Papers should not be highly technical, but accessible to the scientist of any research area, wishing to get an idea of the essence and results of researches in other fields of science, possibilities of their practical application.

Editorial staff reviews incoming papers to make its expert review. Reviewing term is up to 3 months. All the publisher’s readers are recognized specialists on subjects of the reviewed materials and have publications on subjects of the reviewed paper within the last 3 years. Reviews are stored in editorial’s office within 5 years.

Editorial staff is forwarding copies of reviews or substantiated refusal to the authors of the presented materials and also shall forward review copies to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation when appropriate request is received.

After correction all problems specified by the reviewer, the revised paper directed to the editorial’s office is registered as newly received, corrections will agree with the reviewer.

In case of the author’s disagreement with the reviewer’s opinion the manuscript is forwarded for repeated examination to the other reviewer. When the second negative response is received the editorial staff stops working with the paper.

Term of paper publications approved by reviewers is 1 year maximum.

Editorial staff asks authors to be guided at registration of papers by following rules.

Manuscripts are mailed to: 50, Svetlanskaya St., Rm. 51, 690091, Vladivostok, Russia or by e-mail: (the editors office phone number +7 (423) 222-25-88).

Registration. The text is prepared in any version of Word, is provided on a CD or other data storage media or is forwarded by e-mail; the 2 hardcopies (broadsheet), size 14, line spacing is 1.5. The manuscript shall be paginated. The manuscript shall be signed by all authors, in the end of paper the surname, a name and a patronymic of the author(s), a science degree, position, laboratory, institute, mail and E-mail addresses, the contact phone number shall be specified.

The maximum paper volume shall be 15 pages including the list of references, tables and figures with figure-related texts, abstract. The UDC code shall be specified. Abstracts both in Russian and English up to 1/2 page in size shall be placed before the paper; after the abstracts the key words in Russian and English accordingly are listed. English translation of title, institute, transliteration of the initials and surname of the author(s) shall be given. The number of formulas shall be minimal. Formulas shall be introduced into the text. Tables shall be entitled, empty columns shall be eliminated. Conventional abbreviations and symbols shall be explained in remarks.

Illustrative materials shall be presented in the following formats: for photo, figures - .tiff or .jpg (300 dpi for black-and-white and 600 dpi for colour); schedules, diagrams, circuit designs, etc. – xlc, cdr. Illustrations shall not exceed type page sizes (135х225 mm).

Representation of 2 unpacked copies is a must. On the back of f figure or below it the surname of the author, a title of paper and the figure number shall be indicated. Illustrations can be located in the text, but shall be necessarily applied as separate files. Picture captions shall be provided by a separate list, in the end of the paper.

The list of references (20 items maximum are desirable) shall be made in alphabetic order, by surnames of the first authors and titles of works without considering co-authors and chronology and is numbered. In case of reference, a source serial number in square brackets shall be specified in the text. Archival materials shall not be inserted in the list; references to them shall be positioned in the text in parentheses. In the list of references literature in Russian comes first, then in foreign languages. A book or paper full name, a publication place, publishing house, year, the quantitative characteristic of sources (for the book - total of pages, for paper or head – pages on which it is located) are resulted.

An example of the indexed list (bibliographic data are conditional):




  1. Виноградова К.Л., Перестенко Л.П. Видовой состав водорослей // Озерные экосистемы: тез. докл. Междунар. науч. конф. Минск: Белорус. гос. ун-т, 2003. С. 26–28.
  2. Виноградова К.Л. Водоросли западного побережья. М.: Изд-во МГУ, 1974. 232 с.
  3. Виноградова К.Л., Клочкова Н.Г., Перестенко Л.П. Список водорослей литорали. СПб.: Наука, 2003. 180 с. (Определители по фауне, изд. Зоол. ин-том РАН; вып. 171).
  4. Виноградова К.Л. Phycodrys Rubens: таксономия // Журн. общ. биологии. 2001. Т. 62, № 4. С. 362–366.
  5. – (дата обращения: 21.07.2011).
  6. Селин Н.И. Рост мидии Грея // Тр. Биол. НИИ СПбГУ. 2000. Вып. 46. С. 53–64.
  7. Селин Н.И., Жирмунский А.В., Левин В.С. Состав и распределение макроэпибентоса // Зоол. журн. 1996. Т. 75, вып. 6. С. 81–89.
  8. Nevo E. Adaptive significance // Int. Echinoderm Conf. Tampa Bay: abstrs. Rotterdam: Balkema, 1982. P. 4–5.
  9. Nevo E. Complex pollution effects of two heavy metals // J. Natur. Hist. 1995. Vol. 29, N 2. P. 271–562.
  10. Nevo E., Lavie B. Differential viability of allelic isozymes // Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 1987. Vol. 44. P. 60–64.
  11. Nevo E. Molecular evolutionary genetics // Cell. Mol. Biol. 2000. Vol. 46, N 2. P. 311–330.
  12. Nevo E., Ben-Shlomo R., Lavie B. Pollution and genetic evolution // Mar. Pollut. Bull. 1994. Vol. 28. P. 3–15.
  13. Nevo E. Population genetic structure // Encyclopaedia of biodiversity. N.Y.: Acad. Press, 2001. Vol. 5. P. 3–11.


The manuscripts which shall not comply with the requirements shall not registered.

The editorials office does not receive registered letters and registered letters with declared value as well as parcels post.

Manuscripts shall not mailed back.

The author's copy of the journal can be taken in the editors office; it is mailed to nonresident authors at the expense of the editors office.

The publication of papers is free.


Reports on current expeditions, held by institutions of the Far Eastern Branch of Russsian Academy of Sciences, are published in this section of the journal issues. 


Short communications devoted Anniversaries of the famous scientists of the Russian Far East are published in this section.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.