Climograma as a method for determining optimal conditions of plant introduction in the South of the Far East.


  • Геннадий Петрович Скрыльник


climate, climograms, continentality, oceanity, distinctive signs, introduction of plants, the Far East


Separate relations and dependences of a climatic influence on plant introduction are characterized. Taking into account non-conflict situations, the factorial influence of continentality and оceanity on optimum introduction of new plants under concrete conditions is revealed. The features of prevailing continentality and oceanity of the areas of the Far East are determined. It is shown that the percent of the origin and development in a concrete ratio between continentality and oceanity is based relatively to abnormal processes and, in particular, to accidents. The spectrum of the abnormal phenomena answers each type of continentality and oceanity in the Far East. A maximally rich spectrum of the abnormal phenomena and abnormal processes is marked in a marginal-continental zone and is generated there by the equal contribution of continentality and oceanity. The estimation of continentality and oceanity is executed at continental level by climograms and at the regional one it is carried out in the course of the factorial analysis. The scheme of power conditions of continentality and oceanity is adduced. It allows us to define actual belonging of the territories to them that are chosen for introduction of plants. Distinctive signs of continentality and oceanity, the length and an inclination of resulting climograms, a general background of thermo-humid conditions is the basis of scenarios under which introduction of plants organically «enters» natural conditions of geosystems in the Far East regions. As a result the high levels of optimization of the above-mentioned measures are attained. The scheme of non-conflict types and variants of introduction of new plants is offered. Such an approach makes it possible to coordinate purposeful introduction with the requirements of sustainable development of the territory and rational nature management.



How to Cite

Скрыльник, Г. П. (2019). Climograma as a method for determining optimal conditions of plant introduction in the South of the Far East. Vestnik of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, (6), 109–114. Retrieved from


