Results of comparative evaluation of potato varieties according to productivity and adaptability parameters in the conditions of Priamurye. S.V. RAFALSKIY, O.M. RAFALSKAYA, T.V. MELNIKOVA


  • Сергей Васильевич РАФАЛЬСКИЙ
  • Ольга Михайловна РАФАЛЬСКАЯ
  • Татьяна Владимировна МЕЛЬНИКОВА (Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт сои, Благовещенск)


potato, variety, productivity, adaptability, traits


Results of comparative evaluation of potato varieties according to productivity and adaptability parameters
in the conditions of Priamurye. S.V. RAFALSKIY, O.M. RAFALSKAYA, T.V. MELNIKOVA (All-Russian Scientific
Research Institute of Soybean, Blagoveshchensk).

The data of evaluation of 25 potato varieties according to the main economically valuable indicators (productivity and adaptability) of domestic and foreign selection in very diverse and rather complicated natural and climatic conditions of Priamurye are given. High yield of tubers was marked in the varieties Ketskiy (32.2 t/ha), Ocharovanie (30.3 t/ha), Riviera (29.7 t/ha), Vitessa (29.2 t/ha) and Ognivo (29.0 t/ha). 11 potato varieties with a high adaptive potential (Ka > 1) have been identified: Ketskiy, Ocharovanie, Riviera, Vitessa, Chajka, Primadonna, Ognivo, Ryabinushka, Rodrigo, Karatop and Impala. The regression coefficient (bi > 1), which characterizes the responsiveness of the variety to changes in natural and climatic conditions > 1, was observed in the intensive type potato variety Khozyain (bi = 1.20). It was established that the mid-ripening potato variety Vulkan is plastic with a regression coefficient close to one (bi = 0.90). Potato varieties of different ripeness groups: Ryabinushka, Vitessa, Udacha, Chajka, Karatop, Odissey, Labella, Nikita, Ocharovanie, and those, whose regression coefficient is below one (bi = 0.37–0.62), are classified as neutral type and respond poorly to changes in environmental factors. Potato varieties with a complex of economically useful traits have been identified: Riviera, Vitessa, Primadonna, Ocharovanie, Ketskiy, Ryabinushka and Chajka. 

Author Biographies

Сергей Васильевич РАФАЛЬСКИЙ

кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук, ведущий научный сотрудник,

Ольга Михайловна РАФАЛЬСКАЯ

кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук, ведущий научный сотрудник,

Татьяна Владимировна МЕЛЬНИКОВА, (Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт сои, Благовещенск)

научный сотрудник



How to Cite

РАФАЛЬСКИЙ, С. В., РАФАЛЬСКАЯ, О. М., & МЕЛЬНИКОВА, Т. В. (2020). Results of comparative evaluation of potato varieties according to productivity and adaptability parameters in the conditions of Priamurye. S.V. RAFALSKIY, O.M. RAFALSKAYA, T.V. MELNIKOVA. Vestnik of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, (4), 81–85. Retrieved from


