The approximation of X-ray diffractograms of nanographite powders taking into account the radial dependence of interatomic distances


  • Никита Сергеевич Саенко Институт химии ДВО РАН
  • Альберт Муктасимович Зиатдинов Институт химии ДВО РАН


X-ray powder diffraction, nanographite, model nanographite, γ-band, radial dependence of interatomic


This paper outlines the procedure for determining the sizes, structural parameters and percentage content of various nanographite particles in its powders by full-profile approximation of the X-ray diffractogram sample using a set of X-ray diffraction profiles for powders of model nanographites. It was shown that taking into account the model nanographites with the radial dependence of interatomic distances within the layer and the dependence of interlayer distances on average number of atoms in the layer, allows to describe the X-ray diffraction profile of nanographite powder in the wide angular range including so-called γ-band in small angles without assumptions on presence of other structures in it.



How to Cite

Саенко, Н. С., & Зиатдинов, А. М. (2019). The approximation of X-ray diffractograms of nanographite powders taking into account the radial dependence of interatomic distances. Vestnik of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, (5), 49–55. Retrieved from


