The nature, structural motifs and properties of nanographene percolation networks in films of graphene oxide and its thermally reduced derivatives


  • Альберт Муктасимович Зиатдинов Институт химии ДВО РАН
  • Петр Геннадьевич Скрыльник Институт химии ДВО РАН


The nature, structural motifs and properties of nanographene percolation networks in films of graphene oxide and its thermally reduced derivatives


The films of graphene oxide (GO) and its thermally reduced derivatives (TRGO) have been grown and morphology, structural organization, electronic, magnetic and transport characteristics of samples have been investigated by using physical methods. The TRGO films containing two-dimensional percolation networks of electrically connected nanographenes have been revealed. Magnetic methods of investigations indicate that in some of them there are zero modes which may be π-electronic states stabilized at the zigzag edges of nanographenes. The importance of studying the percolation structures of nanographenes in TRGO has been substantiated for solving the problem of transfer of peculiar quantum properties of the network elements to the macroscopic level.



How to Cite

Зиатдинов, А. М., & Скрыльник, П. Г. (2019). The nature, structural motifs and properties of nanographene percolation networks in films of graphene oxide and its thermally reduced derivatives. Vestnik of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, (5), 33–40. Retrieved from


