Scientific achievements of Federal Scientific Center of Agrobiotechnology of the Far East named after A. K. Chaika


  • Aleksei N. Emel’yanov Federal Scientific Center of Agrobiotechnology of the Far East named after A. K. Chaika, Ussuriysk, Timiryazevsky stl., Russia
  • Oksana V. Mokhan’ Federal Scientific Center of Agrobiotechnology of the Far East named after A. K. Chaika, Ussuriysk, Timiryazevsky stl., Russia
  • Tat‘yana A. Potenko Federal Scientific Center of Agrobiotechnology of the Far East named after A. K. Chaika, Ussuriysk, Timiryazevsky stl., Russia


Russian Far East, scientific achievements, breeding, seed production, varieties of agricultural crops


The paper reviews the main results of the scientific work conducted by the Federal Scientific Center in the fields of breeding, forage production, apiculture, agronomy, biotechnology, and economy. The history of the Institution is described from the establishment as an experimental field to the reorganization into a federal scientific center. Over the years, the scientists of the Institution have created dozens of new varieties of twenty-six agricultural crops: grain, forage, and fruit and berry crops, soybean, potato, etc.

Author Biographies

Aleksei N. Emel’yanov, Federal Scientific Center of Agrobiotechnology of the Far East named after A. K. Chaika, Ussuriysk, Timiryazevsky stl., Russia

Candidate of Sciences in Agriculture, Director

Oksana V. Mokhan’, Federal Scientific Center of Agrobiotechnology of the Far East named after A. K. Chaika, Ussuriysk, Timiryazevsky stl., Russia

Candidate of Sciences in Agriculture, Deputy Director for Science

Tat‘yana A. Potenko, Federal Scientific Center of Agrobiotechnology of the Far East named after A. K. Chaika, Ussuriysk, Timiryazevsky stl., Russia

Candidate of Sciences in Economics, Leading Researcher



How to Cite

Emel’yanov А. Н., Mokhan’ О. В., & Potenko Т. А. (2024). Scientific achievements of Federal Scientific Center of Agrobiotechnology of the Far East named after A. K. Chaika. Vestnik of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, (1), 83–91. Retrieved from



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